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 Storytelling for adult audiences from Lichfield in England

Bringing the art of storytelling to adult audiences.

Established in 2015, Lichfield Storytellers brings to Lichfield and, via zoom, to the world, some of the best professional storytellers working today.

Storytelling is a traditional art form; tellers work without a script but with a deep understanding of story that forms a unique connection to the audience. It's an art that's low on tech but high on audience engagement; many find themselves entranced, some say spellbound.

If it's something you've never experienced, give it a try! It's both absorbing and relaxing.

We're in person at

The Kings Head, 21 Bird Street, Lichfield, WS13 6PW

and also online via zoom.

You will find a warm welcome at a friendly club.

Next Club Night
Tuesday 11th June
In person and online

Witty Girls and Wise Women

with Christine Genders


The Secret Path: Tales from the Wild Forest

with Cath Edwards

See below for more information.

Scroll down for more upcoming events; continue scrolling for the story circle.

Event Cancelled: Scroll Down for Next Club Night 

Upcoming Events

  • Lichfield Storytellers Story Circle
    Lichfield Storytellers Story Circle
    Multiple Dates
    Mon, 29 Jul
    Virtual event on Zoom
    29 Jul 2024, 19:30 – 21:00 BST
    Virtual event on Zoom
    29 Jul 2024, 19:30 – 21:00 BST
    Virtual event on Zoom
    This is the Lichfield Storytellers online story circle.
Dot Painting

Get in Touch

To contact us, fill out the form below.

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